Joyful June: Creating Everyday Happiness

Do you ever feel like you want to be happy but something is holding you back? That you could be happy if a certain thing in your life changed?

Are you looking to bring joy back into your life? Do you want to stop putting off happiness for some unknown date in the future?

There are so many ways to begin incorporating joy back into your life. Stop delaying your happiness for a future date when you could find joy today.

Start Your Day With Joy

I often talk about the life changing magic of a morning routine. I have said it before, and I will say it again. A morning routine will change your life.

There is something about waking up with intention and creating space for joy to come into your life. To start your day with something that you love rather than dreading getting up.

Imagine your perfect morning. You wake up peacefully, maybe make yourself a cup of coffee and sit on the porch to watch the sunrise. Or you grab a book and cozy up with a blanket. Or take time for a meditation. There are so many options. Whatever your ideal version of a morning looks like to you. That’s what it should be. And it can all be yours with just a few small changes.

Want to create your morning routine? Check out this article on Creating the Best Morning Routine and grab a copy of the Create Your Ideal Morning Routine Guidebook to get started! I promise you a morning routine will change your life and give you more space for joy.

Embrace the Power of Now

One of the most profound ways to bring joy back into your life is by living in the present moment. Most people are either thinking about the past or worrying about the future. Sound familiar?

You may be wondering, but how do I live in the present? Here are a few of my favorite tips:

  • Mindful Breathing: Focus on your breath. Pay attention to each inhale and exhale, noticing how it feels.

  • Guided Meditations: Use apps or online resources to follow guided meditation sessions that help you stay present.

  • Slow Down: Deliberately slow your pace, whether you’re walking, eating, or working, to help you remain mindful.

  • Engage Fully: Participate fully in conversations and interactions, avoiding distractions like checking your phone.

  • Sensory Awareness: Take moments to tune into your senses. Notice what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch around you.

Beauty in the Small Moments

How often are we thinking about Friday? The next big event? The next vacation?

We are often thinking about what’s next and not taking the time to notice the small moments that make up our everyday life. Is that really how we want to live? Only for the weekend or for a vacation that may happen once a year? That is certainly not how I want to live.

I want to enjoy all the moments. The small moments. The big moments. And everything in between.

So, take some time to enjoy the little moments. The cups of tea, a meal with a friend, a beautiful sunset. There are so many wonderful moments all around us. We just don’t often take the time to notice them because we are too busy rushing around. Not anymore. Soak it in, live it up, and enjoy those joyful small moments.

Creating a Gratitude Practice

People often ask me, "How are you so happy?" Honestly, it's gratitude. When you focus on being grateful, positive things naturally come into your life. It's no surprise that gratitude is one of the most common traits among happy people.

Why not set up a gratitude practice? It's one of the simplest ways to transform your life. Start by grabbing a journal and writing down 3-5 things you're thankful for each day.

I challenge you to try it every day for one week. It might feel challenging at first, but it gets easier over time as you build your gratitude muscles. Give it a try and see how it changes your perspective!

Acts of Kindness

Nothing sparks joy quite like acts of kindness. Many people think they don't have enough time or money to give, but that's the wonderful thing about giving—when you give, you also receive. Research shows that the joy of giving to others is significantly stronger than the joy of buying for yourself.

But it doesn’t just have to be gifts. What about a compliment? A thoughtful gesture? Just a small act of kindness. Not only will you likely make someone’s day but also improve your own levels of happiness.

Don’t believe me? Try it. My challenge to you is to do at least one act of kindness each day for a week, then see how you feel.

Books to spark your joy

  • The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle: Discover insights about surrendering to the Now to be free from past regrets and future worries, leading to a deeper sense of inner peace and happiness.

    A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle: Learn how to let go of egoic patterns and embrace the present moment, leading to a more fulfilling life.

Interested in reclaiming your own joy?

Changing habits and switching your lifestyle to choosing joy, while rewarding, can be difficult.

I assist my clients in navigating this journey by providing tools, practices, and support to reintroduce joy into their lives.

Having someone to guide you through this transformation significantly boosts the likelihood of lasting change.

Want to reclaim your own joy? Book a session!

Want to stay up to date of more joyful tips? Join my newsletter!

Stephanie Bidle

Stephanie is the founder of the The Simplicity Secret, a life coaching and leadership consulting business. Passionate about personal development, organization, and life optimization, she thrives on helping individuals unlock their potential and achieve their dreams. During her downtime, she can often be found on the porch, enjoying a cup of tea and reading a book.


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