Dive into Summer: Top 5 Must-Read Books Across Different Genres

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE reading. I always have. For a while in my life, I didn’t read as much, but once I downloaded Good Reads, it was a game changer.

I set out to read 12 books the first year using it, and read 19. The next year, I set out to read 27 and read 72.

What’s really great about Good Reads is you can check out what is likely going to be a good read based on books you like and other reviews. I used to just go to the library (still do love the library) and pick out books at random that were no good and wondered why I never read or it took me forever?

Knowing what books to read (whether you use Good Reads or not) makes reading that much more enjoyable. That’s why I went ahead and collected some of my favorites over a variety of genres to get you started this summer!

Best Beach Read

Since it’s summer, I have to start with beach reads. Not even my favorite genre, but in the summer - I do love me a good beach read! Sitting on the beach with your nose in a novel and toes in the sand. Yes, please.

Book Lovers by Emily Henry

Emily Henry is a must read author if you like beach reads. She has a few great books, The People We Meet on Vacation and Beach Read (best read on a beach based on my personal experience).

Book Lovers in particular is the perfect romance for those who love to read. The characters are fantastic and I could not put it down!

Best Personal Development Book

Oh yes, I had to do personal development books next because this is one of my favorite genres. There is nothing better (ok maybe some things…) than reading a book that truly changes your perspective and helps you become the best version of yourself. This is a hard one for me to really pair down to my favorite because it is my most read genre.

Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty

I feel that I have to start here because Jay Shetty is pretty amazing. If you haven’t heard of him, do look him up. I like him so much I actually did my Life Coaching Certification with his program (if interested, shoot me a message, happy to talk about it).

But, onto this book. It is all about how to bring more peace and purpose into your life, and who doesn’t want that? Learn all the techniques for for reducing stress, increasing focus, and finding inner peace.

Best Mystery/Thriller Book

Onto my other favorite genre. Who else was obsessed with Nancy Drew as a kid? Yeah, same. And the obsession with finding out who murdered who or getting to the bottom of the problem, yes, still obsessed with that too.

The Housemaid by Freida McFadden

This was one of my book clubs reads for the year and wow! It was a good one. So light and mysterious and such an easy read! I don’t want to give too much away, but all I will say is PLOT TWIST.

If you like it, good news, she also has a sequel The Housemaid’s Secret (honestly, might even be better than the first one) and the The Housemaid is Watching. Overall, pretty big Freida McFadden fan.

Best Nonfiction Book

Now, non-fiction doesn’t have to be history, in my case, it pretty much never is. I like the non-fiction where you learn something and it is interesting.

Deep Work by Cal Newport

This book is incredible. If you ever struggle with time management or focus, this is the book for you! I learned so much about how to focus and let me tell you, my productivity has skyrocketed!

Want to learn more tips on time management? Join the Time Management Challenge for a 5-day Time Management Challenge.

Best Organization Book

I have always loved organizing. There is something about it that is so peaceful. Being able to find things with ease? Yes, please. So, yes, I thoroughly enjoy books on organizing. You might not believe it, but they are pretty life changing. Your space can truly impact your life.

The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

This book is amazing. Marie is all about keeping items that “spark joy” along with functional items you use, of course. Learn how tidying up can lead to a more mindful, simplified, and joyful life.

Additional Book Recommendations

I love reading and telling people my new favorite finds. Want to stay up to date on book recommendations? Join my newsletter!

Stephanie Bidle

Stephanie is the founder of the The Simplicity Secret, a life coaching and leadership consulting business. Passionate about personal development, organization, and life optimization, she thrives on helping individuals unlock their potential and achieve their dreams. During her downtime, she can often be found on the porch, enjoying a cup of tea and reading a book.


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