Unlocking Success: Creating the Best Morning Routine

I am not kidding you when I say that my morning routine changed my life. In my journey of personal development, it may be the most significant change I have made.

I want you to think about your mornings now. What do they look like? Pressing snooze? Frantically looking for the missing keys? Grabbing your coffee on the go as you rush out the door?

Have you ever stopped to think about how starting your day like this can have a negative impact on the rest of your day?

Now, you may be thinking, “I don’t want to get up early” or “I don’t have time for a morning routine”. If that’s you, I am here to tell you not only is it possible, but it is life changing.

Before we dive into how to create a morning routine, let’s talk about why it is so important.

The importance of a morning routine

Why is a morning routine so great you may ask? Here are a few perks to a morning routine:

  • Increased Productivity: Starting your day with a structured routine can help you prioritize tasks and set a positive tone for the rest of the day, leading to increased productivity.

  • Improved Mental Health: A morning routine that includes mindfulness practices can help reduce stress, anxiety, and improve overall mental well-being.

  • Enhanced Focus and Clarity: By setting intentions and goals for the day during your morning routine, you can enhance focus and mental clarity, making it easier to tackle tasks.

  • Improved Time Management: By allocating time for essential tasks in your morning routine, you can optimize your schedule and make the most out of your day.

  • Increased Happiness: Starting your day with activities that bring you joy and fulfillment can lead to a more positive outlook and increased overall happiness.

These are just a few benefits of establishing a morning routine. Are you seeking clarity, peace, and a pathway to success each day? If so, explore some simple yet effective strategies to enhance your morning routine.

Simple morning routine ideas

Here are a few simple morning routine ideas you can incorporate into your daily routine. Remember, you don't have to adopt all of them at once. Instead, consider trying one or two to see what works best for you. It's about finding what fits your lifestyle and enhances your mornings.

  • Mediation - Take a few minutes to meditate each morning. The Apple Watch has a helpful mindfulness feature and YouTube has great options for a guided mediation.

  • Take a Walk - Take a few minutes each morning to get outside and walk. Fresh air and movement are so good for the body.

  • Yoga or Stretching - Take time to do yoga or stretch in the morning to get the mind and body ready for the day.

Affirmations - Recite affirmations. Ensure you feel the power of the affirmation rather than merely reciting it. Check out the Affirmation Guide for assistance in creating your own affirmations.

Journaling - Journaling is an incredible exercise. You can do both free handed journaling or guided prompts.

Gratitude - Take time to reflect on what you are grateful for. Challenge yourself to find new things to be grateful for everyday. 


    • Life Visualization: Imagine your ideal life and the feelings associated with achieving your goals. Envision yourself already living this life to manifest it into reality.

    • Daily Visualization: Visualize your day ahead, focusing on how you want to feel during each task or interaction. Walk yourself through each meeting or task and determine what would make the interaction or task successful. Set clear intentions for achieving success in all aspects of your day.

  • Audio Motivation: Take time to listen to a podcast or audiobook that motivates you or focuses on personal development. 

My morning routine

To be honest, I never thought I would be a 5AM club girly. I used to think “Why would anyone get up that early if they didn’t have to?” The answer: It’s life changing. The ability to start the day slow, gain clarity, and set the rest of your day up for success? Yes, please.

So what is my actual morning routine? I wake up at 5AM and do the following:

  • 10 minutes of yoga

  • 10 minute mediation

  • 10 minute visualization

  • 10-30 minutes personal development reading

I occasionally tweak my morning routine, but this one has been my go-to for quite some time now, and I'm absolutely hooked. Shifting to a 5AM wake-up time, previously 7AM, has been incredibly transformative. I feel so much clarity and peace going into the day and I could never go back.

Start small creating your morning routine

You may be thinking that is great and all but adding an hour to my morning routine isn’t feasible or I am just not ready. My recommendation is to start small.

I started with just a 10-minute morning meditation. I did that for months and that alone added so much clarity to my day. Over time, I expanded and started doing 10 minutes of yoga. It was over the course of a few years that I expanded my morning routine to what it is today.

So, even if you can’t or don’t want to do an extended routine I encourage you to add one small component to your morning routine.

Small changes can significantly change your life. So, maybe you want to take a short walk in the morning or wake up a few minutes early and sip and enjoy your coffee? The ideas are endless. The key is to find what works best for you. Then do it.

Books to create your own daily routine

The Morning Miracle by Hal Elrod : Discover practical tips to revolutionize your morning routine and enhance personal growth, productivity, and overall well-being.

The 5AM Club: Explore how waking up early and adopting a morning routine centered around self-improvement and goal-setting can lead to success and fulfillment in life.

Create Your Own Morning Routine

Are you ready to create your own ideal morning routine?

Check out the Create Your Ideal Morning Routine Guidebook to get started!

This comprehensive guide is packed with practical tips, inspiring strategies, and customizable steps to help you design a morning routine that sets you up for success.

Stephanie Bidle

Stephanie is the founder of the The Simplicity Secret, a life coaching and leadership consulting business. Passionate about personal development, organization, and life optimization, she thrives on helping individuals unlock their potential and achieve their dreams. During her downtime, she can often be found on the porch, enjoying a cup of tea and reading a book.


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