Master Your Day: 5 Proven Time Management Techniques for Enhanced Productivity

Is time management a struggle for you? Do you feel like you never have enough time?

Time Management has always been a struggle for me too. I have made it my life’s mission to improve my time management skills. Explore my Top 5 Time Management Techniques below and start your journey toward greater productivity and efficiency.

Practice single tasking

One of the best ways to improve your productivity is through single tasking. Most of us try to multitask. The truth is, though, multitasking is a myth. What you are actually doing is constantly changing between different tasks, and ultimately using more energy and getting less done.

Single tasking refers to the practice of focusing on and completing one task at a time without allowing distractions or interruptions.

Turn off notifications

Notifications are killing your focus and dampening your productivity. Did you know that every time you get distracted it takes your brain about 20 minutes to refocus? Now, think about that for a second. How many times do we get notifications a day? Some of us more than others. But honestly, how many of those notifications are actually important? I would say most likely not most of them.

Try turning off your notifications - at least as many as practical. I personally turn off mail, social media, and app updates. It will transform your focus. Go give it a try.

Try a task manager tool

We all have tasks—often more than we can keep track of. Let's admit it: how many times have you told yourself, "I'll remember this," only to forget the task entirely a few days later? Or perhaps you do recall, but the effort required feels disproportionate to the task's importance?

I started using a task manager tool and it has helped so much. No more random post-it notes. No more forgotten tasks. And no more taking care of low-value tasks immediately just so I won’t forget.

There are several task manager tools available. I personally use ClickUp to manage my tasks and it has been a game changer. There is both a free and paid version depending on your needs. I use it to track all my work and personal tasks, including deadlines so nothing gets missed.

Use a daily planner

I have always been obsessed with planners. Goal planners. Habits planners. You name it. I’ve tried it. But not until recently did I start using a Daily Planner, and wow, it is so helpful. Task Managers are excellent for managing all of your tasks, but can be overwhelming when prioritizing your daily workload.

A daily planner helps you lay out your priorities and other tasks for the day. That way, you are always working on the tasks that are of the highest priority. Because truthfully, if you don’t, likely you will end up doing low-value tasks, like email or social surfing and not really accomplishing what you wanted.

I just started using Plum Paper and I have been very happy thus far with my planner.

Embrace lifelong learning

Keep learning. Don’t be the person that says “It’s always been done this way” or “I don’t have time”.

It can be done better and it requires a lot of practice and committment. But I promise you it is so worth it. Once you start improving your focus, you have increased energy, productivity, and reduced stress. And who doesn’t want that?

Keep a learning mindset when it comes to time management and you will thrive.

Interested in reading more about time management and productivity?

  • Deep Work by Cal Newport: Discover the transformative power of deep work and learn how to harness your full cognitive potential to achieve peak productivity and creativity.

  • The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss: Explore unconventional strategies for escaping the 9-5 grind and living life on your own terms with efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy: Offers practical strategies to overcome procrastination and improve productivity.

Time Management Challenge

Want to continue to improve your time management skills?

Join the Time Management Challenge for a 5-day Time Management Challenge to put your skills to the test.

And just remember, improving your time management takes time and dedication!

You’ve got this. Stay strong.

Stephanie Bidle

Stephanie is the founder of the The Simplicity Secret, a life coaching and leadership consulting business. Passionate about personal development, organization, and life optimization, she thrives on helping individuals unlock their potential and achieve their dreams. During her downtime, she can often be found on the porch, enjoying a cup of tea and reading a book.


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